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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Gia in "Crazy Sexy Hollywood"

I'm slowly compiling photo shoots and publications, and although these are not great shots, taken with my iphone, here are some photos of me in the pages of the photography book "Crazy Sexy Hollywood" by Carlos Batts

Cover (not Gia)

Gia Regency in Crazy Sexy Hollywood

Gia Regency in Crazy Sexy Hollywood

Gia with Co Star from "Still crazy" John T Bone Prod

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Most Common Misconceptions About Porn Stars

There are lots of misconceptions about porn stars, even among people who consider themselves "enlightened liberals."  From my experience, what it means to be an enlightened liberal is to scratch the back that donates to the proper political causes, even if this means going up against a political or social minority in favor of an affluent white male.  Here are some common misconceptions about porn stars.

Porn stars like to do everything in their personal life that they've done on film
It's really funny sometimes when you realize that a lot of porn fans think that just because someone has done something on film, that they enjoy doing that in real life.  I can say that although I've had my face slapped, been spit on, been sutured, bukkaked, anoscoped, and used vegetables as sex toys on film, I can say most definitely that I DO NOT generally do these things for pleasure. I will say that I consider what I did to be "extreme sex" in much the same way that MMA would be considered an extreme sport.  I think that I pushed my body the way a pro-athlete might have done, to accomplish feats that most individuals would not even try to undertake, for the sake of entertainment.

Most porn stars are drug addicts or substance abusers
While it's true that there are some in the adult film industry, just as there are in the mainstream film and other creative industries, who have substance abuse problems, there are plenty of adult film stars who are EXTREMELY health conscious, work out, watch what they eat, and might even be tee totallers or drink very rarely.  I can say in my case that I would be considered a "light to occasional" drinker, and that although admittedly I've tried a few things here and there, that it's been over a decade since I have used any sort of recreational drugs.

Gia Regency, Black Rock City, Nevada

Female porn stars were sexually abused
This is an unfortunate stereotype.  I can't speak for everyone, of course, but I can say that 80% or more of the female porn stars who I have met have not talked about any sexual abuse, and I can say that in my case, I was not sexually abused by anyone.  It does seem though, that porn stars often have a naturally high sex drive, have been curious about sex and kinky sex from an early age, and are more open minded and freethinking about sex than other people.

Porn stars are ineducated, and they do it because they can't make the same kind of money doing anything else.
This is another of the major falsehoods about porn stars.  From my own experience, I've found most film stars to be of average to above average intelligence, and of course, there are quite a few who put themselves through advanced college degrees working just a few days per week.  Here's an article about smart porn stars, and of course, this is by no means an exhuastive list.  In my own case, I can say that I have two college degrees, was a licensed healthcare primary care provder for five years, but gave it up to pursue real estate.

All porn stars are troubled or mentally ill.
I think this one goes around a lot, and I can say that porn stars in general are about as mentally stable as actors and musicians!  Although I do believe that adult film stars tend to be more adventurous, sensation seeking, gregarious, and emotional than other types, and that sometimes this combination of traits might also be associated with depression and other emotional issues, hat generally, they're much like other types of people.

They all have fake boobs.
Many, but not all, have had work done.  It is common that adult film stars might have had something done, such as hair extensions, and yes, breast jobs are a common one, but I know a lot of stars who have not had anything done.  I know that although several sites I have seen claim that I had a breast job, in fact, they are 100% real, as are my hair and teeth.  I did however, go to tanning salons, and get facials and mani-pedicures.Most of the photos that I have posted have only been lightly photo shopped, meaning filters, light adjustments, and zit zapping.  My photos have  not been distorted or undergone exagerrated editing.  

Porn stars have low self esteem, especially if they do humiliating things on film.
Actually, some studies have found that female adult stars actually have higher self esteem than the majority of women.  It sort of makes sense, actually.  It takes a very confident person to strip naked and get into compromising situations on film.  Women without confidence are generally skittish, avoid controversy, and are too concerned about the way they look to allow anyone to take photos of them that might be considered unflattering.  I had a good body image before doing adult films, and I can say that nowadays anything that I might have worried about pre-film days just seems sort of ridiculous.  I almost never wear a lot of makeup, and I have no problem being myself.

I can say that nowhere are there more misconceptions about adult film stars than in the intellectual capitol of the USA, and that's in NYC.  Although it does seem like sensual pleasures and intellectual pursuits are exact opposites, I assure you that they are not mutually exclusive.